Okuma Metinleri

Feinberg, Joel, and Russ Shafer-Landau, eds. Reason and Responsability 12th ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0534543510. (Okuma Bölümünde RR olarak ve oturuma göre kısaltılmıştır.)

Tavsiye Edilen
Woodhouse, Mark B. A Preface to Philosophy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2003. ISBN: 0534595448.

Not: (RR) kısaltmasının takip ettiği Okuma Parçaları, Reason and Responsability ders kitabında gösterilen sayfa numarasında mevcuttur.

1 Başlangıç/Giriş  
İnanmak için Neden: Tanrı var mı/mevcut mu?
2 Tanrı'nın mevcudiyeti: Ontolojik Görüş Feinberg, Joel, and Russ Shafer-Landau. "Part I: Introduction." (RR:2)

Anselm, St. "The Ontological Argument". From Proslogium. (RR: 6)

Gaunilo of Marmutiers. "On Behalf of the Fool". (RR: 8)

Rowe, Wm. "The Ontological Argument". (RR: 11)
3 Kötü/lük Problemi I Dostoevsky, Fyodor. "Rebellion". From The Brothers Karamazov. (RR:79)

Johnson, B.C. "God and the Problem Evil" (RR: 85)

Swinburne, Richard. "God and the Problem of Evil." (RR: 89)
4 Kötü/lük Problemi II Russel, Bruce. "The Problem of Evil: Too Much Suffering" In Introduction to Philosophy. Edited by Louis P. Pojman, 3rd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press 2004. ISBN : 0195171500.
5 Pascal’ın (Bahis) İddiası Pascal, Blaise. "The Wager" (RR: 114)

Blackburn, Simon. "Miracles and Testimony". (RR: 118)
Rasyonalite/Akılcılık ve İnanç
6 İnancın Etiği; Tanıkçılık Pragmatizme Karşı Clifford, W. K. "The Ethics of Belief" (RR: 97)

James, William. "The Will to Believe" (RR: 101)
7 Stereotipler ve İnançlar Blum, Lawrence. "Stereotypes and Stereotyping: A Moral Analysis. Philosophical Papers 33, no. 3 (November 2004): 251-289.

Tavsiye edilen : Schmitt, Richard. "Ideology". In Introduction to Marx and Engels: A Critical Recunstruction. 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990, pp. 3-17. ISBN: 0816618046.
8 Irkcılık ve İnanç Marx, Karl. Selections on Religion.

Appiah, Kwarne Anthony. "Racisms". In Anatomy of Racism. Edited by Theo Goldberg. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1990, pp. 3-17 ISBN: 08166 18046.
9 İlmi Düşünce/İlmi İnanç mı Hume, David. An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding. (Excerpt in RR: 199)

Tavsiye edilen: "An Encounter With David Hume" (RR: 224)
10 İlim ve İnanç Üzerine Biraz daha Kitcher, Philip. "Believing Where We Cannot Prove". (RR: 247)
Akıl ve Beden
11 Akıl-Beden İkilemi Feinberg, and Shafer-Landau. "Introduction to Part III" (RR: 257)

Swinburn, Richard. " A Defence of Substance Dualism" (RR: 263)
12 Bilinç ve Duyulan Deneyim Jacksons Frank. "The Qualia Problem ". (RR: 267)

Carruthers, Peter. "The Mind is the Brain". (RR: 276)
13 Maddeci Seçenekler Curchland, Paul. "Behaviorism, Materialism, and Functunalism" (RR: 285)
14 Robotlar ve İşlevlik Searle, John. "Minds, Brains and Programs" (RR: 305)

Lycan, William. "Robots and Minds" (RR: 318)
Hür İrade, Determinizm ve Sorumluluk
15 Katı Determinizm Feinberg and Shafer-Landau. "Part IV: Introduction" (RR: 385)

Holbach, Paul. "The Illusion of Free Will" (RR: 392)
16 Bağdaşma I Ayer, A.J. "Freedom and Necessity" From Philosophical Essays. (RR: 408)

Stace, W. "The Problem of Freewill". From Religion and Modern Mind (RR.413)
17 Bağdaşma II Frankfurt, Harry. "Freedom of the Will & Concept of a Person" Journal of Philosophy 68, no. 1 (Jan. 1971): 5-20

Tavsiye Edilen : Wolf, Susan. "Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsability" (RR: 457)
18 Libertarianizm Chisholm, Roderick. "Human Freedom and the Self" (RR. 418)
Moralite ve Doğru Davranış
19 Kültürler Aşırı Varyasyonlar Midgely, Mary. "Trying Out One’s New Sword" (RR: 522)
20 Utilitarianism/Yararlılık Mill, John Stuart. "Utilitarianism" Chapters 1-2 (RR: 594)
21 Etik Egoizm Nietzsche. "Master and Slave Morality". In Beyond Good and Evil (A version of Beyond Good and Evil is available from Project Gutenberg.).

Rachel’s: "Ethical Egoism". From the Elements of Moral Philosophy (RR)
22 Açlık Singer, Peter. "Famine, Affluence and Morality" (RR: 631)
23 Kantianizm Kant, I. "The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative" (RR: 579)

Sayre-McCord, Geoff. "Kant’s Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Very Brief Selective Summary of Sections 1 and 2" (PDF)

Tavsiye edilen: O’Neill Onora. "Kantian Approaches to Some Famine Problems." (RR)
24 Açlık, Fazilet ve Görev Aristotle. "The Nature of Virtue." (RR)

Blum. "Impartiality, Beneficence, and Friendship." In Morality in Practice. Edited by James P. Sterba. Sound Bend IN Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2001. ISBN : 0534521118.

Tavsiye edilen: McIntyre, Alasdair. "The Virtues, the Unity of a Human Life, and the Concept of a Tradition" . In After Virtue. Lon. UK: Duckworth, 1981. ISBN: 026800594X.
25 Moral Şans Thomas, Nagel. "Moral Luck". In Moral Luck. Edited by Daniel Statman. Albany, NY; State University of New York Press, 1993, 57-71. ISBN: 0791415406.
26 Adil/Haklı Savaş Teorisi Nagel, Thomas. "War and Massacre". In Philosophy and Public Affairs 1, no. 2 (Winter 1972): 123-144.

Orend, Brian. "War".
27 Son Sınav